Can Hamsters Eat Runner Beans?

If you have a pet hamster, it is your responsibility to keep it happy and healthy. And feeding the right food to your hamster is the best way to keep your hamster healthy. Many hamster owners usually get doubtful when feeding the appropriate food to their hamsters. Actually, hamsters are omnivores, so they can eat plant-based as well as animal-based foods safely.

However, all kinds of foods are not safe for hamsters. Furthermore, they can’t eat too much food. Therefore, it is important to give the correct food to hamsters in the correct amounts. It is not an easy task for all hamster owners. For this reason, one needs to first know what kinds of foods can be fed to hamsters.

In general, hamsters love to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods also provide several health benefits for hamsters. With that in mind, many hamster owners ask if hamsters can eat runner beans. The short answer to this question is yes. Hamsters can eat runner beans.

But ensure that you feed this vegetable to your hamster in the correct way. Feeding runner beans to hamsters incorrectly can cause health problems. This article is all about runner beans and hamsters. If you are looking to feed a new treat to your hamster, then you can try this green vegetable. In this context, this article will help you.

What Are Runner Beans?

Runner beans are generally similar to green beans, but they have a rough texture. They are also longer than green beans. These beans are very popular in South America and Britain. Runner beans are available in different varieties.

This vegetable can be prepared in many ways. They can be eaten fresh, canned, or frozen. These beans can also be stir-fried, baked, boiled, or steamed. Sometimes, these vegetables are also added to other dishes such as soups, stews, etc. These beans contain protein, dietary fibers, vitamins, and several minerals.

So, runner beans offer many health benefits for humans. Hamsters can also eat this vegetable safely. But if we overfeed this vegetable to hamsters, then it can lead to health problems.

Can Hamsters Eat Runner Beans?

Yes, hamsters can absolutely eat runner beans. As I have mentioned above, we need to be careful when feeding this food to hamsters. Overfeeding runner beans can lead to health problems. My hamster Taco usually eats a very small amount of runner beans a week. I feed around one piece of runner beans to my hamster once a week.

It will be better if you feed them raw runner beans. But hamsters can also eat cooked runner beans if no other ingredients are added to them. You can feed a healthy diet to your hamster if you follow these instructions and feed runner beans to your hamster.

Do Hamsters Like to Eat Runner Beans?

As mentioned above, hamsters love to eat fresh vegetables. If you feed fresh runner beans to your hamster, then the hamster will definitely like to eat this vegetable. But that doesn’t mean that you can feed a high amount of runner beans to your hamster.

One thing you need to keep in mind is that they are small animals, so they can eat only a small amount of food. So, you should follow the instructions and feed runner beans to your hamster in the correct amounts only.

How Much Runner Beans Can Hamsters Eat?

It is an important thing that you need to know before you feed runner beans to your hamster. All hamsters are not available in similar sizes and can’t handle the same amount of food. Therefore, you should feed them according to their size and breed. If you overfeed runner beans to your hamster, then it can harm its health.

For a Syrian hamster, one piece of runner beans twice a week is enough. As we all know, Syrian hamsters are the largest breed of hamsters and usually love to eat new foods. But you should feed them runner beans in moderation only. They contain acidic content that can be harmful to hamsters.

After Syrian hamsters, Robo hamsters are another popular breed of hamsters. They are smaller than Syrian hamsters, but they can eat runner beans. You can feed around one piece of runner beans to your Robo hamster once a week. These many runner beans are good for Robo hamsters. But you shouldn’t try to give this food to your hamster in excess amounts. The sugar and acidic content in this vegetable can harm your hamster.

A half piece of runner beans once a week is enough for dwarf hamsters. Dwarf hamsters are very small compared to normal hamsters, so they are not capable of eating a high amount of food. Therefore, you can give only a small piece of runner beans to your dwarf hamster. Winter white, Campbell, and Chinese dwarf hamsters can eat only a small amount of runner beans per week.

What Is the Correct Way of Feeding Runner Beans to Hamsters?

Once you know how much runner beans are safe for hamsters, you should feed them this food in the correct way. Otherwise, this can be dangerous for hamsters. The first thing that you need to remember is that you have to feed runner beans to your hamster in moderation. They are very small animals so overfeeding them any vegetable is not a good idea.

Before feeding this vegetable to your hamster, you will need to wash it properly to remove dust, dirt, germs, and chemicals. Hamsters can become sick if they ingest these substances. After that, cut it into small pieces. If you don’t cut these beans, then they can create choking problems for hamsters.

In case you want to feed cooked beans to your hamster, then you can cook them without adding salt, sugar, or other ingredients. You can cook plain runner beans and feed them to your hamster. If you add other ingredients into runner beans, then it can harm your hamster’s health.

If you want to keep your hamster healthy and safe from health issues, then you have to follow these instructions when feeding runner beans to your hamster. Hamsters can get several health benefits if they eat runner beans in moderation.

What Are the Health Benefits of Feeding Runner Beans to Hamsters?

As discussed above, runner beans are delicious and nutritious for hamsters. They are completely safe for hamsters. So, hamsters can eat them in small amounts.

Here I have listed some health benefits of feeding runner beans to hamsters.

  • The presence of dietary fibers in runner beans offers many health benefits for hamsters. They keep their digestive issues away and help in bowel movements. These dietary fibers improve hamsters’ digestive systems and keep them healthy.
  • Runner beans contain vitamin K that helps create healthy DNA in hamsters. It is also beneficial for hamsters’ bone metabolism. Vitamin K in this vegetable also helps in blood clotting and wound healing in hamsters.
  • Iron in runner beans is good for hamsters’ red blood cells. It reduces fatigue and anemia in hamsters. Therefore, you can improve your hamster’s health by feeding it a small number of runner beans.
  • Hamsters need a small amount of calcium for better bone and joint health. Runner beans contain a small amount of calcium that reduces bone-related issues in hamsters.
  • Runner beans contain vitamin A that is beneficial for hamsters’ skin and eye health. It also improves their immune systems and lungs. Vitamin A is good for hamster heart and kidney health. But overfeeding runner beans to hamsters may not provide these benefits.
  • This vegetable also contains several minerals and vitamins that offer many other health benefits for hamsters.

Health Problems of Overfeeding Runner Beans to Hamsters

Undoubtedly, runner beans are nutritious and provide health benefits for hamsters. But overfeeding these beans to hamsters is not safe at all. This can be risky for hamsters. Therefore, it will be better if we feed runner beans to hamsters in moderation only.

The following are some potential health problems of overfeeding runner beans to hamsters.

  • The high amount of acidic and phosphorus content in runner beans can cause health issues in hamsters. This can create digestive issues in hamsters. Hamsters can suffer from diarrhea and constipation if they eat excess runner beans.
  • Further, hamsters can also suffer from dehydration because of too much runner beans. Some stomach problems of overfeeding these beans to hamsters are bloating and gastric.
  • You should cut the runner beans into small pieces before you feed them to your hamster. Otherwise, this can create choking issues in hamsters.


In conclusion, I can say that runner beans are safe for hamsters. They will enjoy eating this vegetable because it has a nice taste. Runner beans are nutritious and offer several health benefits for humans as well as hamsters. However, this should be fed to hamsters in moderation only. Since they are small animals, overfeeding runner beans can make them sick. Therefore, it will be better if we feed runner beans in the recommended amounts only.