Can Hamsters Eat Rice?

Feeding the right food in the right way is one of the most important parts of having a hamster. Also, it is important to know what foods are safe for hamsters and what foods are not safe. You should figure out some food items that your hamster enjoys and feed it the same kind of foods occasionally. As a hamster owner, you may also try feeding some new food items to your hamster.

But before feeding any new food to your hamster, you will need to know whether that food is safe for your hamster or not. However, can we feed rice to our hamsters? Actually, rice is one of the common foods that we have in our day-to-day life. Sometimes you may think if you can share some cooked rice with your furry friend.

Hamsters can eat rice, but you will need to ensure that you are feeding it in the right way. Also, you will need to prepare the rice for your hamster in the correct manner so that there will be no problems for your hamster. Here I will discuss how you can feed rice to your hamster and what benefits and risks you need to consider before feeding it.

What Is Rice?

Who doesn’t know rice? It is one of the most consumed foods worldwide. Rice is also produced in large quantities every year. The majority of rice is produced in Asia and Africa. One can eat rice as a main course or as a side dish to another food. Rice can also be used in curries, stir-fries, soups, etc. Rice is available in different types and is delicious.

Rice has a good nutritional value and has many health benefits. It has different vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that offer several health benefits. It contains a little amount of protein, a high amount of carbohydrates, sugar, magnesium, phosphorus, and other nutrients. All these nutrients will help improve the health of hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Rice?

Yes, hamsters can eat rice, but you will need to feed it in the correct way. Also, it is important to feed rice to your hamster in the correct amounts. If you overfeed this grain to your hamster, then it can harm your hamster’s health. You can feed your hamster cooked as well as uncooked rice. If you cook rice for your hamster, make sure that you don’t overcook it. Overcooked rice is not safe for your hamster.

Moreover, you will need to ensure that you don’t add any ingredients to rice before feeding it to your hamster. You should feed only plain rice to your hamster. This way, there will be no health problems.

Do Hamsters Like to Eat Rice?

Before feeding rice to hamsters, we need to know if they like it. Usually, most hamsters like to eat rice and will enjoy having this grain. My hamster Taco generally loves to eat rice, so your hamster will also like to eat this. If you want to check whether your hamster likes rice or not, then you can do that.

You can feed a few grains of rice to your hamster to see if it likes this grain. If the hamster likes to eat rice, then you can feed it to your hamster occasionally. Otherwise, you can avoid feeding this. In general, most hamsters like to eat rice.

How Much Rice Can a Hamster Eat?

Just because hamsters can eat rice, we can’t feed them rice in any quantity. We need to know the maximum quantity of rice that can be fed to hamsters safely. In general, this can be determined by the breed of the hamster. Larger breeds of hamsters can eat a high amount of food, while smaller breeds of hamsters can eat only a small amount of food.

Syrian hamsters can eat only six grains of rice every week. Along with rice, they can have other treats as well. They are the largest breed of hamsters and can eat the most rice compared to all breeds of hamsters.

Compared to Syrian hamsters, Robo hamsters are smaller and can eat less amount of rice. They can eat around four grains of rice per week. This is the maximum amount of rice that a Robo hamster can eat. However, you can feed other treats to your hamster as well. Make sure that you don’t feed more rice than this amount to your Robo hamster.

Chinese, Russian, and Campbell dwarf hamsters can eat only a small amount of rice because they are small in size. You can feed two to three grains to your dwarf hamster a week. Since they are small and have a poor digestive system, you will need to take proper care of your hamster.

Does Rice Have Any Benefits for Hamsters?

Rice is great food and is healthy as well. It has several nutrients that help hamsters stay healthy and happy. Hamsters can gain a lot of benefits from rice if you feed them this food in the correct way.

The benefits of rice for hamsters are as follows.

  • Rice contains a good number of dietary fibers that help the digestive system of hamsters. They help digest the food faster and prevent stomach problems.
  • The presence of manganese in rice helps prevent blood clotting and other health issues in hamsters. This ensures to keep hamsters healthy and happy.
  • Phosphorus in rice is helpful for the kidney of hamsters. This helps prevent kidney issues and improves the overall health of hamsters.
  • Rice contains magnesium which helps in the functioning of hamsters’ nerve system. This also provides energy to hamsters.
  • Rice provides lots of energy to hamsters and lets them stay active all day. This grain has vitamin B that increases energy in the body of hamsters.

What Are the Risks of Feeding Rice to Hamsters?

As we have discussed above, rice offers a lot of benefits to hamsters when it is fed in the correct amounts. But if the hamster overeats the rice, then it can create problems for your pet. Also, if you feed any other type of rice instead of plain rice, then the hamster can suffer from health problems.

Here are some possible health problems that can happen if you overfeed rice to your hamster.

  • Obesity is a common health problem in the case of hamsters. If your hamster eats a high amount of rice, then it can suffer from obesity. It is a dangerous disease for hamsters and can create several problems in the future.
  • We humans usually eat rice as a main course, and it can fill the stomach easily. If you overfeed rice to your hamster, then it will fill your hamster’s stomach and doesn’t allow him to eat other nutritious foods. If this happens, there will be nutrition problems for your hamster.
  • Overfeeding rice can also cause diarrhea to your hamster. Later, this can lead to dehydration and make your hamster completely sick. Dehydration is a dangerous disease and can’t be treated easily. This is why you should never overfeed rice to your hamster.

How To Prepare Rice for A Hamster?

Hamsters can eat rice but knowing this is not enough to feed rice to your hamster safely. For this purpose, you will need to prepare it in the right way. Generally, hamsters can eat cooked as well as uncooked rice. Feeding uncooked rice to hamsters will be easier for you and easier for hamsters. They can store the rice in their cheek pouches without any difficulties. But you can also cook the rice before feeding it to your hamster.

While cooking rice for your hamster, you will need to be careful and cook it in the correct way. Overcooking or under cooking the rice can be dangerous for your hamster. Cooked rice is usually sticky but if you prepare it in the correct way, then you can prevent it from getting stuck in the hamster’s pouch.

If the rice gets stuck inside the pouch of a hamster, then it will be very dangerous. The rice can rot inside the pouch and make your hamster sick. To prevent this, you can add a few grains of cooked rice to the diet of your hamster and feed it. In this way, you can prepare a balanced diet for your hamster and keep it happy and healthy.

What Type of Rice Can We Feed to Hamsters?

Rice is available in different types, so it is important for us to know what type of rice hamsters can eat. Actually, hamsters can eat all kinds of rice in moderation. You can feed your hamster white rice, brown rice, basmati rice, short-grain rice, and other types of rice conveniently. However, you will need to ensure that you prepare the rice in the proper way by following the above instructions.


Yes, hamsters can eat rice, but in small amounts. You also need to feed your hamster the right type of rice in the correct way. Rice has several benefits for hamsters, so you can feed it to your hamster by following the instructions. You will need to ensure that you are not overfeeding rice to your hamster because it can lead to health issues.