Can Hamsters Eat Rabbit Food?

Most pet lovers love to keep hamsters because they are small, cute, and playful. But they can have other animals as well, such as cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. Actually, owning pets from different species and taking care of them in the correct way is an interesting experience. Many people love to do this and play with different pets.

However, feeding the correct food to your pets is an important factor that you can’t ignore. In this case, you will need to know what foods are safe and what foods are not safe for your specific pet animals. Also, you may think if your pet animals can share the same food. Generally, many people ask if hamsters can eat rabbit food.

If you have a rabbit and a hamster, you might have this thought in your mind. But is doing this correct? Can hamsters eat rabbit food? Can hamsters get benefited from eating rabbit food? If they can eat this food, then how much? If they can’t eat this food, then why? These are some common questions that you may have in your mind related to this topic.

The simple answer to this question is yes. Hamsters can eat rabbit food, but there are several instructions to follow while feeding this food to your hamster. For example, hamsters can eat rabbit food, but they can’t eat all types of rabbit food. While some rabbit foods are okay for hamsters, some rabbit foods can’t be served to hamsters.

In this article, I will discuss what rabbit foods hamsters can eat and what they can’t eat. If you are thinking of sharing rabbit food with your hamster, this article is for you. It will give you a better idea of whether rabbit food is good for hamsters or not.

What Is Rabbit Food?

Rabbit food is nothing but food that is made for rabbits. Rabbits usually eat plant-based foods because they are herbivores. A pet rabbit can eat grass or hay. But they can’t eat clover and lucerne hay. Apart from that, they find their nutrition from different vegetables, fruits, and leafy greens.

There are also special pellets made for rabbits. But here the question comes what rabbit foods hamsters can eat. In general, hamsters can eat a variety of treats, including vegetables, fruits, seeds, etc. But to know what rabbit foods hamsters can eat, we need to know what foods are safe for hamsters.

A Typical Hamster Diet

Hamsters are known for their hoarding habit. They are playful and can eat different kinds of foods. Since they have a small stomach, feeding them nutritious food is very important. They can store food in their cheek pouches that they eat later. Moreover, hamsters are available in different breeds and can eat depending on their breeds.

However, they are very popular and are omnivores. This means that they can eat meat as well as plant-based foods. Because of this reason, they can eat vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, insects, etc. But pet hamsters usually eat hamster pellets that are specially made for hamsters. Apart from that, they eat vegetables, fruits, seeds, herbs, etc., as special treats.

So now we can easily understand that hamsters and rabbits can eat some foods in common. For example, rabbits and hamsters both can eat vegetables, fruits, and hay. In this way, hamsters can eat these foods items safely. This means that if you have some fruits or vegetables for your rabbit, you can share that food with your hamster.

What Rabbit Foods Can Hamsters Eat?

As discussed above, hamsters can eat rabbit food. Also, there are some common foods that both hamsters and rabbits can eat. Another thing to keep in mind is that all rabbit foods hamsters can’t eat.

However, there are several rabbit foods that hamsters can eat safely. Here I have listed some safe rabbit foods for hamsters. If you want to feed rabbit food to your hamster, then you can consider feeding these foods.


Now, we know that both rabbits and hamsters can eat vegetables. In fact, most vegetables that rabbits eat are safe for hamsters. Some hamster-safe vegetables are as follows.

  • Dandelion greens
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Bok choy
  • Cucumbers
  • Collard greens
  • Celery
  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Carrot tops and carrots
  • Bell peppers
  • Lettuce
  • Clover
  • Mint
  • Cilantro

The above-listed vegetables are safe for hamsters and rabbits. These vegetables can be fed to hamsters and rabbits in the appropriate way. Moreover, you should keep moderation in mind and feed these foods to your hamster in the right amounts only.

Grass And Hay

Hamsters and rabbits can eat grass and hay safely.  Actually, most types of grass and hays are safe for hamsters and rabbits. Hamsters get several benefits by consuming hays. For example, it keeps hamsters safe from premature ageing and helps trim their teeth.

Hamsters can eat orchard, timothy, meadow, and oat hays. Alfalfa hay is also safe for hamsters, but it is not safe for rabbits. Therefore, you can feed these hays and grass to your hamster in small amounts to keep it healthy.


Hamsters and rabbits also can eat some fruits in common. You can feed them these fruits as special treats. Here are some common fruits that both hamsters and rabbits can eat.

  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Apples without seeds
  • Pears
  • Kiwi
  • Plum
  • Melons
  • Apricot
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Banana
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries

Although these fruits are safe for hamsters, you can’t feed your hamster only fruits. You can feed these fruits to your hamster in moderation only. Moreover, you shouldn’t feed your hamster too much watery or sugary fruit. This can lead to several health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, diarrhea, dehydration, etc.

Currently, we have learned about different types of rabbit foods that are safe for hamsters. But now, let’s learn about different rabbit foods that are not safe for hamsters.

Which Rabbit Foods Are Not Suitable for Hamsters?

Actually, all rabbit foods are not suitable for hamsters. There are some foods that rabbits can eat, but hamsters can’t eat. So, let’s learn about these foods and know why hamsters can’t eat them.


Above, we have discussed that there are some common vegetables that both hamsters and rabbits can eat. But there are some vegetables that hamsters can’t eat.

  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Mushrooms
  • Eggplant
  • Rhubarb
  • Potatoes

These vegetables are not good for hamsters. So, you should try to avoid feeding them to your hamster. But if your hamster ingests this food in small amounts, then it is safe. However, you should keep an eye on your hamster and ensure that it is not ingesting these foods in high amounts.


Although hamsters can eat fruits, they can’t eat all fruits available there. Some fruits are not suitable for hamsters, so they should be avoided. Here is a list of fruits that you shouldn’t feed to your hamster.

  • Citrus fruits
  • Watery and sweet fruits
  • Seeds and skin of grapes and apples

These food items are not suitable for hamsters, so you shouldn’t feed them to your hamster. Instead, you should consider feeding other fruits and vegetables that are safe for hamsters.

Rabbit Pellets

Hamsters can eat fruits and vegetables so we can share some fruits and vegetables with them. Those fruits and vegetables can also be eaten by rabbits. But can hamsters eat rabbit pellets? If you are willing to feed rabbit food to your hamster, you will need to know this first.

Generally, rabbit pellets are foods for rabbits and are specially made for them. These pellets are designed according to the dietary needs of rabbits. And rabbits are different animals than hamsters. So, rabbit pellets are not the right food for hamsters. Hamsters will not get any nutrients from this food. Furthermore, they can suffer from health issues if we feed rabbit pellets to them.

In the same way, there are hamster pellets designed for hamsters. Hamster pellets are made for the dietary needs of hamsters, and rabbits can’t eat them. The ingredients used in hamster pellets are not suitable for rabbits’ health, so they can’t eat them.

On the other hand, rabbit pellets are made from different brands and contain different ingredients. Those ingredients might not be suitable for hamsters. Another thing to remember is that rabbits are herbivores and hamsters are omnivores. So, the pellets made for these animals are different in nutrition content.

Hamster pellets usually contain 15% to 20% protein and the correct number of fibers required for hamsters. For proper digestion of the food, hamster food should contain the correct amount of fiber. On the other side, rabbit pellets contain a higher number of fibers than hamster pellets. Therefore, this food is not right for hamsters’ health.


Hamsters can eat rabbit foods such as vegetables, fruits, grass, and hays. Actually, some foods are common for hamsters and rabbits, so we can feed them those foods without any worries. But hamsters can’t eat all vegetables and fruits that rabbits can eat.

So, you need to consider this point and feed only the suitable foods to your hamster. You should never feed rabbit pellets to your hamster because the ingredients they contain are not suitable for hamsters.